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Qin Gang Delivers Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Lanting Forum Themed "The Global Security Initiative: China's Proposal for Solving Security Challenges"
2023-02-21 17:25

On February 21, 2023, the Lanting Forum themed "The Global Security Initiative: China's Proposal for Solving Security Challenges" was held in Beijing. Foreign Minister Qin Gang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech, announcing that China officially releases the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper.

Qin Gang said that all countries are now confronted by multiple risks and challenges rarely seen in history, and human society faces multiple security dilemmas like never before. What security concepts does the world need? How can countries achieve common security? These are the questions of this era facing us all. President Xi jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which upholds the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and advocates a new path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. The GSI embodies the core tenets in the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, and over 80 countries and regional organizations have expressed their appreciation and support.

Qin Gang said, China officially released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. The concept paper expounds the core ideas and principles of the GSI, identifies priorities, platforms and mechanisms of cooperation, and demonstrates China's sense of responsibility safeguarding world peace and firm resolve to defend global security. The concept paper is highly action-oriented:

Upholding the UN's central role in security governance. The UN should be supported in its efforts to prevent war and conflict, develop the peace-building architecture and promote post-war reconstruction, and in playing a bigger role in global security affairs.

Promoting coordination and sound interactions among major countries. Major countries should take the lead  in upholding equality, cooperation and the rule of law. Hegemonic, bullying and domineering practices should be rejected, and joint efforts should be made to build a framework of major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability and balanced development.

Facilitating peaceful settlement of hotspot issues through dialogue. Support should be extended to the parties involved to settle their disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation. The international community should speak up for justice, cool down hotspots and deflate tensions.

Tackling traditional and non-traditional security challenges. To promote global strategic stability, oppose arms race, and defuse nuclear war risks. Combined efforts are needed to fight COVID-19, combat terrorism, and safeguard data security, bio-security, and the stability of supply chain and scientific and technological chains.

Strengthening the system and capacity for global security governance. A security governance architecture featuring coordination among governments and international organizations and participation of  non-governmental organizations should be developed.

Qin Gang stressed, security is a right for all countries. It is not a prerogative of some, still less should it be decided by any individual country. The GSI intends to serve the interests of all and protect tranquility for all. Its advances need the unity and cooperation of the international community. China advocates the following five principles: 

First, mutual respect. The purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be observed. The equality among countries regardless of size, strength and wealth should be upheld. Different systems, religions and civilizations should be treated as equals. The core interests of all countries and legitimate security concerns of all parties should be respected.

Second, openness and inclusion. The GSI targets no particular country, and excludes no particular party. All countries are welcome to join the GSI if they so wish; and all efforts for global peace and development will be supported.

Third, multilateralism. Bilateral and multilateral security cooperation should be pursued among countries around the world and international and regional organizations in line with the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. Greater synergy should be forged among various security visions to seek the greatest possible common ground.

Fourth, mutual benefit and win-win. The principle of indivisible security should be followed. One's own security and the common security of all should be advanced side by side, by pursuing win-win cooperation that contributes to each other's progress, and opposing zero-sum game that benefits oneself at the cost of others, to expand the converging interests among all.

Fifth, a holistic approach. Security governance needs to be advanced in a coordinated manner, and traditional and non-traditional security threats should be tackled in a holistic way. Equal emphasis should be placed on security and development, to eliminate the breeding ground for insecurity and seek fundamental and durable ways for achieving sustainable security.

Qin Gang expressed, the GSI is rooted in the fine traditional Chinese culture  that values peace above everything else, and is inspired by China’s independent foreign policy of peace and its practices. No matter how much it develops, China will never seek hegemony, expansion or sphere of influence, nor engage in arms race, but remain a defender of world peace. China is committed to the international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes. China is committed to meeting global challenges. China is committed to following a Chinese approach to resolving hotspot issues.

Qin Gang stressed that the development of China cannot happen without a secure international environment. Likewise, world security would not be possible without the security of China. Today, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people are making stides toward the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization. However, external suppression and containment against China keep escalating, posing a serious threat to China's sovereignty and security. We stand firmly against any form of hegemonism and power politics, against the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, and against any foreign interference in China's internal affairs. We will resolutely safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests, and international fairness and justice. China wishes to work with all countries in the direction set out in the GSI, and move together in unity and cooperation toward a brighter future of lasting peace and universal security.

The forum was hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association, and its President Wu Hailong presided over the opening ceremony. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and former President of Slovenia Danilo Türk delivered video speeches. Former Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, former UN Under-Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin and other representatives from various circles of society were present at the forum online or at the venue.  They had in-depth discussions on topics of "The Global Security Initiative and Traditional Security" and "Non-traditional Security and International Cooperation" and more.

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